Thursday, March 3, 2011


Granted I only spent 55 minutes at the embassy this morning, in Delhi; arguably that might not be representative enough to draw a conclusion - it's still enough to point out the retards though.

Imagine a DMV of Indians, by Indians, for Indians. A dimly lit hallway, with four long rows of perforated metal sheets for seats, an electronic system that issues C, P, E, and D categories on a triangular piece of paper. And whatever you get is probably the slowest moving category. There's even a play pen for kids, five kids in there trying to ration three plastic blocks.

So, simple question, why do you want to go? I'd have imagined that you'd ask yourself that question before applying for a visa. Even if its something at simple as "to see about a girl". So that's the first question one gets asked, and following are the responses I overheard, rated 5-1 in order of pure obnoxiousness:

5. Memphis, To see boyfriend for first time. (met online)
4. Seattle, To teach Buddhism. No, no qualification. I don't know where.
3. No certain location, For ten years. (No, ma'am, why are you going there? I want to go for ten years.)
2. Wanyesboro, I bright student
1. New York, Shopping. Mainly shopping.

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